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 MAKE IT Monday - May 5th

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Lisa L.
8 posters
Design Team "SISTER"

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MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Empty
PostSubject: MAKE IT Monday - May 5th   MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 8:14 am

Today we will be making button flowers. (Yay, Helen, right?!? LOL) I found the idea on pinterest. Here's the original post. Her flower is much better than mine!
Here's the one I made:

MAKE IT Monday - May 5th IMG_0942xa

I started with a scrap circle & then I added the buttons around my scrap paper with glue dots (you can see some of my glue Embarassed). If you want the step by step pictures you can find them in my gallery here.

P.S. Sorry this was so late!
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MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Empty
PostSubject: Re: MAKE IT Monday - May 5th   MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 1:36 pm

That is cute Stephanie.. and no need to tuse dpb for these!! LOL!!! Thanks!!
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Lisa L.
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Lisa L.

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MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Empty
PostSubject: Re: MAKE IT Monday - May 5th   MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 3:18 pm

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MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Empty
PostSubject: Re: MAKE IT Monday - May 5th   MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 4:16 pm

Neat!! I just bought a bag of buttons from Walmart, too Smile
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 10026

MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Empty
PostSubject: Re: MAKE IT Monday - May 5th   MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 5:08 pm

cute. Are they supposed to be this high?? I think that would add a lot of bulk and weight to a page... hmm... thinking, thinking...
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Lifetime Sister

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MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Empty
PostSubject: Re: MAKE IT Monday - May 5th   MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 6:22 pm

I could see me using it on a card, but for a LO - maybe a flower shaped cs or pp could replace the yellow and green layers?
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Big Sister

Number of posts : 357

MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Empty
PostSubject: Re: MAKE IT Monday - May 5th   MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 7:01 pm

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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 6325

MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Empty
PostSubject: Re: MAKE IT Monday - May 5th   MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 9:25 pm

Very Cute ! TFS
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Empty
PostSubject: Re: MAKE IT Monday - May 5th   MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 9:48 pm

That might work Jessica!

Kelly, I think it may be the angle of my photo. My buttons were fairly thin so it wasn't too high. I can take a side view if you like...
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 10026

MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Empty
PostSubject: Re: MAKE IT Monday - May 5th   MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Icon_minitimeMay 8th 2013, 1:09 am

Can you measure how tall it is??
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PostSubject: Re: MAKE IT Monday - May 5th   MAKE IT Monday - May 5th Icon_minitime

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