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 Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th

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Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Empty
PostSubject: Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th   Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Icon_minitimeJanuary 31st 2013, 11:14 pm

Oops!! I am late... better late than never!!

I have a TON of stamps, and I want to use them all!!! I must admit that now I started art journaling, I am using them like crazy!!

So I have decided I need to organize them! They are already pretty organized in CD cases, but I want a quick reference book about what I have.. so I think I may work on this this February.. my goal.. to get this done by the end of the month!! Any one else want to join me!

Here are a couple sites that I found, and I may just attemp a "stamp Journal Book".

Stamp Organization Book

LeAnn's Little Books (great ideas here...)

... and finally... I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to own about 10 of these... Tim Holtz Binders

Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th 694cf5ce087014b66c3d657622d73fa3

So.. are you going to take me up on my challenge??

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Always a Sister

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Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th   Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Icon_minitimeJanuary 31st 2013, 11:49 pm

Im in the process of sorting out my stamps and making a stamp book myself and having it in a system somehow.

When i have the time lol
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 10026

Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th   Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Icon_minitimeFebruary 1st 2013, 12:27 am

No. I would love to have it done, but realistically it ain't gonna happen! Laughing

I will watch your progress with enthusiasm however. Very Happy
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Lifetime Sister

Number of posts : 2553

Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th   Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Icon_minitimeFebruary 1st 2013, 1:14 am

Organize....what is organize? What does organize mean? I know not this word organize! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Scary! affraid
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Lifetime Sister

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Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th   Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Icon_minitimeFebruary 1st 2013, 2:04 am

I'm going to look into this. I'm interested!
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 6325

Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th   Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Icon_minitimeFebruary 1st 2013, 2:17 am

I organized stamps, last night when I could not sleep. I am uing the scrap rack ---
method, not there system I hate it when i know I have something that will work but don't know which box it is .

The scrap rack system is
1. Themes A-Z
2. Through the calendar Year - Seasons and Holiday.

Then I went ---
3. Alphabet
4. Sayings and Greetings
5 Shapes and journalling boxes.

I started books - before Christmas most of my stamps are SU or CTMH and I was cutting pics from the catalogues gluing them on sheets and putting them in a binder, using the above break down.

For Feburay I will set a goal of getting my CTMH done!
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Number of posts : 26409

Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th   Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Icon_minitimeFebruary 1st 2013, 2:54 am

WTG Linda... be sure to share pictures here! I started tonight.. got 3 of a kazillion done!!
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th   Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Icon_minitimeFebruary 1st 2013, 7:27 am

I like her punch book on the 2nd link. That's a great way to see if a stamp will fit! I've had my stamps in the process of being organized for awhile now. We shall see if I can get it done by the end of the month!
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Lifetime Sister

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Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th   Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Icon_minitimeFebruary 1st 2013, 10:22 am

I started a binder a couple of years ago but really need to redo it and make it a little smaller than 8-1/2 x 11...maybe 8 x 8 or 6 x6

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Forum Owner

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Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th   Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Icon_minitimeFebruary 1st 2013, 3:57 pm

Kelly wrote:
No. I would love to have it done, but realistically it ain't gonna happen! Laughing

I will watch your progress with enthusiasm however. Very Happy

Yeah, what Kelly said Smile

When I actually have a scraproom again, then I will be organizing things.
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 10026

Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th   Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Icon_minitimeFebruary 1st 2013, 7:14 pm

ohmygosh, I just got rid of a bunch of my stamps because I couldn't keep them straight and was just "wasting" them... ugh... so bad.
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Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th   Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th Icon_minitime

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Tipsy Tuesday - January 29th
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