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 MANIC Monday - June 11th

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MANIC Monday - June 11th Empty
PostSubject: MANIC Monday - June 11th   MANIC Monday - June 11th Icon_minitimeJune 11th 2012, 5:27 pm

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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 6325

MANIC Monday - June 11th Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANIC Monday - June 11th   MANIC Monday - June 11th Icon_minitimeJune 11th 2012, 5:44 pm

Great suggestions. TFS
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Gail D
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Gail D

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MANIC Monday - June 11th Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANIC Monday - June 11th   MANIC Monday - June 11th Icon_minitimeJune 12th 2012, 1:50 am

I think my mind needs de-cluttering. I almost caused an accident on my way home today and I know it was because my mind was elsewhere.
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Big Sister

Number of posts : 466

MANIC Monday - June 11th Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANIC Monday - June 11th   MANIC Monday - June 11th Icon_minitimeJune 12th 2012, 3:04 am

I could use that read too...
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Number of posts : 26409

MANIC Monday - June 11th Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANIC Monday - June 11th   MANIC Monday - June 11th Icon_minitimeJune 12th 2012, 1:18 pm

De-cluttering your mind is so great! And so true! I am a procrastinator and really try not to be... it does drain yoU!!! LOL!! Now.. I REALLY have to get moving on the summer stuff!! LOL! Thanks Carla!!
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MANIC Monday - June 11th Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANIC Monday - June 11th   MANIC Monday - June 11th Icon_minitimeJune 12th 2012, 4:48 pm

Devin is a procrastinator, too...... and I see 2 of our kids are the same as him
I guess it's not a bad thing, per se, but I find it does stress me out when HE'S stressed about getting something finished on a shorter time schedule, because he's put it off.
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MANIC Monday - June 11th Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANIC Monday - June 11th   MANIC Monday - June 11th Icon_minitime

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MANIC Monday - June 11th
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