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 Manic Monday May 7th

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5 posters
Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

Manic Monday May 7th Empty
PostSubject: Manic Monday May 7th   Manic Monday May 7th Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2012, 4:30 pm

I found this idea on a blog the other day on how to organize scrappy techniques you want to try. I've never thought about organizing techniques so you can remember what to do. We think about organizing our supplies but not the ideas we find.

using a trading card

using a rolodex card
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 6325

Manic Monday May 7th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manic Monday May 7th   Manic Monday May 7th Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2012, 5:15 pm

Like the sketches on a Roladex Card. I was just thinking this morning, that I need to find a way to organize them.
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Manic Monday May 7th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manic Monday May 7th   Manic Monday May 7th Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2012, 5:24 pm

Great ideas! I like all the extra suggestions for using the Rolodex, too!
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Number of posts : 26409

Manic Monday May 7th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manic Monday May 7th   Manic Monday May 7th Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2012, 10:24 pm

AWESOME ideas!!!! And she has a fantastic blog too!! Thanks Stephanie!
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Gail D
Lifetime Sister
Gail D

Number of posts : 8842

Manic Monday May 7th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manic Monday May 7th   Manic Monday May 7th Icon_minitimeMay 8th 2012, 2:15 am

I like the idea of an ATC or tag for techniques. I like the way she used the rolodex for stamped image indexing.
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PostSubject: Re: Manic Monday May 7th   Manic Monday May 7th Icon_minitime

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