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 Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted**

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Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted** Empty
PostSubject: Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted**   Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted** Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2012, 8:11 pm

Who's up for some trivia?

1. Which Olympic event begins when a jury director orders ‘en garde’?
2. What athletics field event consists of a crouch, shift, thrust and release?
3. Which Olympic sport is Tom Daley famous for?
4. Which sport uses the terms Rudolph, Fliffus and Barani?
5. How many Cycling gold medals did Chris Hoy win at the Beijing 2008 Games?
6. True or false: live pigeon shooting was once an Olympic Sport?
7. How many disciplines does Equestrian have? What are they?
8. What is the full distance of the Marathon in miles and yards?
9. How many days is the Modern Pentathlon conducted over?
10. Which is the only Olympic sport where the competitors cross the finish line backwards?

PM me your answers by August 31st. You could win a prize!
Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted** DSCF8395

Last edited by Carla on September 8th 2012, 7:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Big Sister

Number of posts : 358

Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted** Empty
PostSubject: Re: Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted**   Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted** Icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2012, 11:32 am

I have PM's you my answers, did you get them Carla?
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Forum Owner

Number of posts : 15397

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PostSubject: Re: Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted**   Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted** Icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2012, 7:46 pm

Just checked. Yes, I have them Smile
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Always a Sister

Number of posts : 1013

Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted** Empty
PostSubject: Re: Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted**   Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted** Icon_minitimeAugust 13th 2012, 12:20 am

I just pmed my answers to you,Carla.
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Forum Owner

Number of posts : 15397

Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted** Empty
PostSubject: Re: Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted**   Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted** Icon_minitimeSeptember 8th 2012, 7:36 pm

Here are the answers tp the trivia questions. Thanks for playing along, ladies!

I just did a random drawing of all who sent in answers. The winner is........VICTORIA!

1 Fencing

2 Shot Put

3 Diving

4 Gymnastics – Trampolining

5 Three

6 True. It featured at the 1900 Paris Games

7 Three; Dressage, Jumping and Eventing

8 26 miles 385 yards

9 One single day

10 Rowing
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

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PostSubject: Re: Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted**   Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted** Icon_minitimeSeptember 8th 2012, 11:57 pm

Yay Victoria!!
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Big Sister

Number of posts : 326

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PostSubject: Re: Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted**   Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted** Icon_minitimeSeptember 12th 2012, 8:21 am

Thanks Carla!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted**   Olympic TRIVIA Game **winner posted** Icon_minitime

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