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 Journaling in your own words

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A Sister, A Friend

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PostSubject: Journaling in your own words   Journaling in your own words Icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2010, 6:15 pm

Hey ladies I was visiting the triple the scraps blog by Patter. And came across this. Journaling. I haven't read it yet but intend to start later today.

I haven't done that many layouts but on the ones I have done I had a problem with the journaling part of it. I have so many thoughts running around my brain and I would like to get them on paper...even if it doesn't involve scrap booking.

I have seen art journals before; where you create a page with no pictures...only your thoughts and the art. Has anyone ever attempted to do something like this? If so did you enjoy it?

Random thoughts.....maybe if I could get it down on paper I wouldn't be such a scatter brain! Laughing
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Our Very 1st SISTER!

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PostSubject: Re: Journaling in your own words   Journaling in your own words Icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2010, 6:26 pm

I have started an Art Journal , Sonya with the intent on journaling , but sadly to say am still stuck in that area.
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Our Very 1st SISTER!

Number of posts : 3918

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PostSubject: Re: Journaling in your own words   Journaling in your own words Icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2010, 6:28 pm

I just downloaded the article will read it later tonight, maybe it will help! TFS Smile
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Design Team "SISTER"

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PostSubject: Re: Journaling in your own words   Journaling in your own words Icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2010, 6:57 pm

I've downloaded it & will try to read it tomorrow. Thanks for the link!
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Number of posts : 26409

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PostSubject: Re: Journaling in your own words   Journaling in your own words Icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2010, 6:58 pm

Sounds interesting! TFS Sonya! I will read it later today!!
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Lifetime Sister

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PostSubject: Re: Journaling in your own words   Journaling in your own words Icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2010, 7:47 pm

ST, try writing in point form- just make a list. See if that jumpstarts things for you and makes the journaling part easier! It will lessen the feeling of things running around and around in your brain. it's kind of like making a LIST when you have a LOT to accomplish for a party, event, etc...

You can always flesh out a list later on with more ocmplete thoughts or ideas.

(PS~ Girls, I used to be on a forum with Sonya... for a cpl years!!~! I always called her ST- was her user name I think!! It's her initials. I am going to keep doing that. OK by you...ST?)

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Forum Owner

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PostSubject: Re: Journaling in your own words   Journaling in your own words Icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2010, 8:22 pm

I'll read it when I get a bit of time this evening.

I've seen examples of art journals, but have never made one myself.
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Lifetime Sister

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PostSubject: Re: Journaling in your own words   Journaling in your own words Icon_minitimeOctober 4th 2010, 12:52 am

I love to journal but haven't been doing as much of it lately. I think 'cause I am scrapping pictures of my folks when they were younger and I just don't have a story to tell.

However, I thought I would share with you what makes journaling easy for me. First of all I don't worry about perfect grammar, I am telling a story, not taking an english test. Then I make a list of the things I want to be sure and journal about. It helps to make this list - Ali also mentioned this. I make my list mentally usually but it really helps to put it on paper. Then I start telling the story as if I am talking to some one. Say it aloud and write what you say down. Something funny in your story, put a ha-ha in your writing. Don't try to be perfect, remember you are telling a story. Do you speak perfectly? Of course not, so don't try to write perfectly.
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Number of posts : 26409

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PostSubject: Re: Journaling in your own words   Journaling in your own words Icon_minitimeOctober 4th 2010, 1:02 am

Great tips.. I so need to journal way more!!!
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A Sister, A Friend

Number of posts : 593

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PostSubject: Re: Journaling in your own words   Journaling in your own words Icon_minitimeOctober 4th 2010, 1:53 am

Alimom4 wrote:
ST, try writing in point form- just make a list. See if that jumpstarts things for you and makes the journaling part easier! It will lessen the feeling of things running around and around in your brain. it's kind of like making a LIST when you have a LOT to accomplish for a party, event, etc...

You can always flesh out a list later on with more ocmplete thoughts or ideas.

(PS~ Girls, I used to be on a forum with Sonya... for a cpl years!!~! I always called her ST- was her user name I think!! It's her initials. I am going to keep doing that. OK by you...ST?)


Ali you are such a sweetie for asking! I do prefer Sonya. XOXOXO Back at you my dear! Smile

Great suggestions Ali and Maggi~ You are both awesome writers! Thank you.

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Our Very 1st SISTER!

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PostSubject: Re: Journaling in your own words   Journaling in your own words Icon_minitimeOctober 4th 2010, 4:02 pm

maggi43 wrote:
I love to journal but haven't been doing as much of it lately. I think 'cause I am scrapping pictures of my folks when they were younger and I just don't have a story to tell.

However, I thought I would share with you what makes journaling easy for me. First of all I don't worry about perfect grammar, I am telling a story, not taking an english test. Then I make a list of the things I want to be sure and journal about. It helps to make this list - Ali also mentioned this. I make my list mentally usually but it really helps to put it on paper. Then I start telling the story as if I am talking to some one. Say it aloud and write what you say down. Something funny in your story, put a ha-ha in your writing. Don't try to be perfect, remember you are telling a story. Do you speak perfectly? Of course not, so don't try to write perfectly.

All great tips, Maggie.

When I am tring to write something important or for Geneology.
I follow some of the guidlines you and Ali have posted.

But , sometimes it just takes so long to go back and correct all my mistakes...spelling, words backwards, etc.
It gets discouraging. I would like for people to at least be able to understand what I am trying to write about.
I keep trying Smile
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Lifetime Sister

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Journaling in your own words Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journaling in your own words   Journaling in your own words Icon_minitimeFebruary 23rd 2011, 7:04 pm

I have been trying to journal more. I love the tips. I downloaded the article to read later. Thanks for sharing Sonya!
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A Sister, A Friend

Number of posts : 593

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PostSubject: Re: Journaling in your own words   Journaling in your own words Icon_minitimeMarch 1st 2011, 3:17 am

No problem Lindy! I forgot I even posted it....I had to look in the depths of my computer to see if I still had it! Smile It's still there.
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