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 ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images.

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Our Very 1st SISTER!

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ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images. Empty
PostSubject: ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images.   ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images. Icon_minitimeSeptember 19th 2010, 8:55 pm

Begin by finding images that are free to public Domain and copyright.

I am working with Photoshop 2 ...all instructions will be in this format.
you may use any program that you have by following the same basic steps that your program allows.

First I will start with the background.
Top Menu
A. Under file/ open find and open a background image you have saved and would like to use.

1.Top Menu
under Image scroll down to duplicate image/ click.
close original image.

2.Top menu
Image/ Resize/click

A box will appear

Resize your image as close to
2.5 width
3.5 height
300 Resolution

Top Menu
View/ Fit on Screen

B. Next we are going to open and create a new box

1.Top Menu
File/New Image
A new box will appear

Name your image
here are your settings

Preset Custom Size
Width/ 2.5 inches
Height/ 3.5 inches
Resolution/ 300
Mode /RGB Color
Content/ Transparent

You should now have 2 boxes open. One with your resized image and one with your transparent box.

C. Click on your back ground image.
Over in your tool box
click on the move tool
should like an arrow

click on your background image and drag it over to your transparent box you have created.
Your image should now appear in your transparent box.

Fit to fill your box by
holding down the shift key and pulling along the sides and bottom to fit.
If you are satisfied with this as your back ground.

file/ save as

Box will appear
name your image
save as png/ (option at the bottom of box)
Choose a folder to save in

For the next step I will post on how to add an image into your back ground by removing the white space.

This is the basic steps you will follow each time you edit an image for your ATC.
Just practise it a few times and you will see it is not as difficult as I may have made it appear.
Please ask any questions you need and I will help you try and sort it out.

If you do not want to add anything into your back ground just go ahead and follow the first steps of resizing
and save as a jpg.

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ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images. Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images.   ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images. Icon_minitimeSeptember 19th 2010, 8:58 pm

Printed this of... now going to go play! Thanks Jean Marie!
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Our Very 1st SISTER!

Number of posts : 3918

ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images. Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images.   ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images. Icon_minitimeSeptember 19th 2010, 9:02 pm

Your welcome Helen.
Will be back later on this evening
with the second part to this tutorial.

Have fun!!! Smile
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Lifetime Sister

Number of posts : 2942

ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images. Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images.   ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images. Icon_minitimeSeptember 20th 2010, 2:20 am

nice Jean, i have to get the program loaded on this laptop!
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A Sister, A Friend

Number of posts : 593

ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images. Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images.   ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images. Icon_minitimeSeptember 20th 2010, 4:25 am

So nice of you to post the tutorial Jean Marie.
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Our Very 1st SISTER!

Number of posts : 3918

ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images. Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images.   ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images. Icon_minitimeSeptember 20th 2010, 5:08 am

Your welcome, Sonya hope you give it a try.
The second part to this has been posted in the Tutorial Section.
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ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images. Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images.   ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images. Icon_minitime

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ATC Digital Tutorial Step#1 Resizing your images.
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