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 June 30th - LOG CABIN DAY

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June 30th - LOG CABIN DAY Empty
PostSubject: June 30th - LOG CABIN DAY   June 30th - LOG CABIN DAY Icon_minitimeJune 2nd 2013, 12:17 am

June 30th - LOG CABIN DAY Log-Cabin-Day

Log Cabin Day encourages us to step away from a world of computers, electric lighting, and even indoor plumbing to embrace and experience a simpler existence.

For today, step back from electronics and "busy" stuff that occupies your mind and time. Relax and do something with your family, or do something for yourself Smile
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Forum Owner

Number of posts : 15397

June 30th - LOG CABIN DAY Empty
PostSubject: Re: June 30th - LOG CABIN DAY   June 30th - LOG CABIN DAY Icon_minitimeJuly 1st 2013, 7:43 am

WE went to visit friends this evening. Very relaxing sitting outside and visiting Smile
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June 30th - LOG CABIN DAY Empty
PostSubject: Re: June 30th - LOG CABIN DAY   June 30th - LOG CABIN DAY Icon_minitimeJuly 1st 2013, 8:00 am

I'm doing this on Tuesday straight through to Friday.  I am a camp councillor for a Christian camp called Snider Mountain Ranch.  It use to be called Circle Square Ranch and it is away from all electronic with lots of swimming, archery, rock wall climbing and horse back riding and tons of Christian music just to mention a few things!  I'm so excited because lately I feel like my cup needs to be refilled.
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June 30th - LOG CABIN DAY Empty
PostSubject: Re: June 30th - LOG CABIN DAY   June 30th - LOG CABIN DAY Icon_minitime

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June 30th - LOG CABIN DAY
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