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 Can someone explain project life.

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5 posters
Scrappin Sabian
A Sister, A Friend
Scrappin Sabian

Number of posts : 842

Can someone explain project life.  Empty
PostSubject: Can someone explain project life.    Can someone explain project life.  Icon_minitimeApril 24th 2013, 3:22 pm

I never heard of it but it is fast becoming it just smaller sections of an album page sectioned to allow for more 4x6 photos?
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 10026

Can someone explain project life.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can someone explain project life.    Can someone explain project life.  Icon_minitimeApril 24th 2013, 3:30 pm

is the premise for it. But yes, it's documenting your every day life. Lisa is leading our group in doing it this year. She's doing an excellent job of inspiring us to keep at it!

Check the threads in this section. You'll see how we all have done it differently to suit our own family and our own "styles". Very Happy

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Lisa L.
Lifetime Sister
Lisa L.

Number of posts : 2950

Can someone explain project life.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can someone explain project life.    Can someone explain project life.  Icon_minitimeApril 24th 2013, 3:47 pm

Excellent link Kelly!

Tarah please feel free to join in. You don't have to go back to January. Just start whenever. Project life is about documenting your life (everyday moments that maybe you wouldn't do a full 12x12 layout about). Little things like meals, accomplishments, things your kids say or do. You can add in trinkets, ticket stubs, random pictures, etc. There doesn't have to be an overriding concept or theme. You can do daily entries or monthly entires or just whenever- no rules. It is like a "peek" into your life.

Just google Project Life and tons of inspiration will come up. The most common pocket sizes are 3x4 and 4x6 but they come in many more. And you can make it your own and do it the way that you see fit.

The girls here have wonderful examples. Everyone has their own unique process/outcome.
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Scrappin Sabian
A Sister, A Friend
Scrappin Sabian

Number of posts : 842

Can someone explain project life.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can someone explain project life.    Can someone explain project life.  Icon_minitimeApril 25th 2013, 8:57 pm

THANK YOU I wondered what it was all about and why the hype...makes much more sense now. Thank you Kelly and Lisa for doing an A1 job explaining!
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Scrappin Sabian
A Sister, A Friend
Scrappin Sabian

Number of posts : 842

Can someone explain project life.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can someone explain project life.    Can someone explain project life.  Icon_minitimeMay 6th 2013, 5:33 am

Now that you have sparked interest where do you get the supplies for project life? My lss is 2 hours away
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 6325

Can someone explain project life.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can someone explain project life.    Can someone explain project life.  Icon_minitimeMay 6th 2013, 6:03 am

There is lots of free stuff online and Lisa is doing an excellent job keeping us energized. These are the commercila products that I am familiar with:

Some of the girls have ordered Becky Higgins products.

Michaels is stocking WE R Memory Keepers divided 12 x 12 photo sleeves.

They are also carrying the Simple Stories Snap line

plus have some knock off stuff in their Recollections line.

Echo Park have a line called Photo Freedom - they package papers, notecards, stickers plus the photo sleeves in themes.

You can make it as simple or formal as you like, Google and find waht suits your style and interest
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Lisa L.
Lifetime Sister
Lisa L.

Number of posts : 2950

Can someone explain project life.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can someone explain project life.    Can someone explain project life.  Icon_minitimeMay 6th 2013, 6:23 am


is having pre-orders of Becky Higgins Project Life products too. They are Canadian.
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

Can someone explain project life.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can someone explain project life.    Can someone explain project life.  Icon_minitimeMay 6th 2013, 8:12 am

I agree with Linda - you don't have to make it the traditional project life look unless you want to. Jessica has done a great job with a "nontraditional" project life.

You could also just divide up a 12x12 paper & then add scraps to fit. A lot of things can be found free online then printed out.

Just remember it's about capturing the everyday little things, not just bdays & holidays.
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PostSubject: Re: Can someone explain project life.    Can someone explain project life.  Icon_minitime

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