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 For those doing the Project Life....

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For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2013, 2:15 am

just a little encouragement for you Smile The DT has been chatting, and we will be leaving the rules for PL as is. PLEASE don't let the rules/deadlines stress you out! I know for me, I often need a challenge in order to actually get something done. LOL!

If you feel the goals you set for yourself are un-achievable (you never know until you try something), then make some changes. The main thing is that you are preserving memories -- whatever the medium/theme/format you are using.

If you didn't get all the requirements for THIS past RAK, there'll be many more opportunities. Let this project fit YOUR life, not the other way 'round Smile

Have fun with it, ladies!

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For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2013, 2:33 am

Well said Carla.
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Always a Sister

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For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2013, 5:11 am

Thanks Carla, i was going to quit! now i got a chance to breathe and jump-start myself.
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2013, 5:44 am

Don't quit Bryar! The main thing to remember about Project Life is that it's capturing the small moments. So many times we get caught up remembering the birthdays & holidays but we forget that one time we saw that really neat flower or when the sky was an odd color. I love looking back at the time I had an army guy and a matchbox car in my dishwasher Smile

That's my take on PL anyway Smile
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Lifetime Sister

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For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2013, 6:18 am

I have been taking pics and keeping notes for when I can actually slow down and breathe a I know that it will eventually get put in my album (prob not until April) but then I will be able to stay on top of it after then.
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 6325

For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2013, 1:46 pm

Remember, you contriol PL not it controlling you!

I have been all about capturing the big things but none of the little stuff! PL is a nice change and I know that I'm going to be doing more with the hybrid pages, especially for trips and vacations.

Thanks Carla for the reminder. Enjoy the journey ladies.
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Lifetime Sister

Number of posts : 2867

For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2013, 4:09 pm

I can tackle this differently now too. I want to do LO's about 52 different everyday things from this year. Most of my LO's will be done by Christmas and then finished by next spring since I only print off 3 months of pics at a time. I'll continue to take pics regularly in the meantime.
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 10026

For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2013, 4:17 pm

I think that everyone has to find their own goals. That's what we encouraged at the beginning of this process. If the "deadline" for a RAK is not where you're at yet, then don't worry! The project you are building is far more valuable than any RAK the DT can send you! I know it's fun to receive "happy mail" but try to keep in mind how "happy" you will be with your project whenever you finish it!
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Lifetime Sister

Number of posts : 2867

For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2013, 4:27 pm

That's what I have to deal with, Kelly. I am really motivated with RAKS! I have a hard time spending money on scrappy stuff... keep thinking that it should go towards groceries to feed this clan! Might be different if I earned $ for my work, but as a SAHM... my pay is smiles! So I work hard to earn scrappy stuff through RAKS. But you are right about PL. This is one area where I'm going to forget about competing for RAKS and look towards a finished project instead. You gals are great! Thank you for steering me in the right direction on this one!
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 10026

For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2013, 4:32 pm

Well there will be a drawing for a big RAK at the end of the year so you can keep your eye on THAT prize if you want. Wink Keeping your PL up to date may also earn you a RAK... you never know. We can be sneaky...
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Lisa L.
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Lisa L.

Number of posts : 2950

For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2013, 3:45 am

Ladies don't forget that I'm offering a prize just for participating. You have until tomorrow to put your name in the post that I started for Project Life Prize.
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Lisa L.
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Lisa L.

Number of posts : 2950

For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2013, 5:10 am

After8 wrote:
That's what I have to deal with, Kelly. I am really motivated with RAKS! I have a hard time spending money on scrappy stuff... keep thinking that it should go towards groceries to feed this clan! Might be different if I earned $ for my work, but as a SAHM... my pay is smiles! So I work hard to earn scrappy stuff through RAKS. But you are right about PL. This is one area where I'm going to forget about competing for RAKS and look towards a finished project instead. You gals are great! Thank you for steering me in the right direction on this one!

If I ever have anything that I won't use or have doubles of, etc. I can send them to you. Would you like that?
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Lifetime Sister

Number of posts : 6910

For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2013, 7:53 am

hi... just checking in and letting you know I am working on mine....but have been helping my daughter move and building all her new Ikea furniture... my hands and arms are killing me!!
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Lifetime Sister

Number of posts : 2867

For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2013, 3:21 pm

Lisa L. wrote:
After8 wrote:
That's what I have to deal with, Kelly. I am really motivated with RAKS! I have a hard time spending money on scrappy stuff... keep thinking that it should go towards groceries to feed this clan! Might be different if I earned $ for my work, but as a SAHM... my pay is smiles! So I work hard to earn scrappy stuff through RAKS. But you are right about PL. This is one area where I'm going to forget about competing for RAKS and look towards a finished project instead. You gals are great! Thank you for steering me in the right direction on this one!

If I ever have anything that I won't use or have doubles of, etc. I can send them to you. Would you like that?

How sweet of you, Lisa! I would love that! Smile

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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 6325

For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2013, 3:24 pm

katesmum wrote:
hi... just checking in and letting you know I am working on mine....but have been helping my daughter move and building all her new Ikea furniture... my hands and arms are killing me!!

I sure we will see the results of your sore hands and arms in your PL.
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Lisa L.
Lifetime Sister
Lisa L.

Number of posts : 2950

For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2013, 3:47 pm

After8 wrote:
Lisa L. wrote:
After8 wrote:
That's what I have to deal with, Kelly. I am really motivated with RAKS! I have a hard time spending money on scrappy stuff... keep thinking that it should go towards groceries to feed this clan! Might be different if I earned $ for my work, but as a SAHM... my pay is smiles! So I work hard to earn scrappy stuff through RAKS. But you are right about PL. This is one area where I'm going to forget about competing for RAKS and look towards a finished project instead. You gals are great! Thank you for steering me in the right direction on this one!

If I ever have anything that I won't use or have doubles of, etc. I can send them to you. Would you like that?

How sweet of you, Lisa! I would love that! Smile

I will definitely do that.
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Lifetime Sister

Number of posts : 2553

For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2013, 5:17 pm

Lisa L. wrote:
After8 wrote:
That's what I have to deal with, Kelly. I am really motivated with RAKS! I have a hard time spending money on scrappy stuff... keep thinking that it should go towards groceries to feed this clan! Might be different if I earned $ for my work, but as a SAHM... my pay is smiles! So I work hard to earn scrappy stuff through RAKS. But you are right about PL. This is one area where I'm going to forget about competing for RAKS and look towards a finished project instead. You gals are great! Thank you for steering me in the right direction on this one!

If I ever have anything that I won't use or have doubles of, etc. I can send them to you. Would you like that?
Lisa this is just a small part of what makes this forum so special. There are just so many sweet, sweet ladies here. So loving and kind not to mention thoughtful!
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Lifetime Sister

Number of posts : 2553

For those doing the Project Life.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those doing the Project Life....   For those doing the Project Life.... Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2013, 5:26 pm

I'm happy with the decision I've made. When I first signed up I had no clue of what this was or what to do. LOL I jumped in a little blind. I am going to continue with it but I'm just going to do what works for me. I'm happy with how my project is starting out. When I get back from Florida I'll pick up where I left off. I admit the RAKs are always fun to compete for but because I put to much pressure on myself I needed to make this decision. I in no way would expect or want the rules to be changed. I should of read all the post and researched it more to see what I was getting into. LOL I think when it comes to scrappy stuff I often jump in blind where as in life I would never do that! LOL Either way I'm happy with how my PL book is coming and I will continue it because I love the idea of capturing my year and all the stuff in it. LOL Thanks Ladies.
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