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 List #12 - April 2nd

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Scrappin Sabian
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List #12 - April 2nd   Empty
PostSubject: List #12 - April 2nd    List #12 - April 2nd   Icon_minitimeApril 2nd 2013, 4:04 pm

Well.. we missed a couple weeks.. oops....

so today..... here is your list ...

List your favourite movie ever... and why!! You can only pick one!
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

List #12 - April 2nd   Empty
PostSubject: Re: List #12 - April 2nd    List #12 - April 2nd   Icon_minitimeApril 2nd 2013, 4:29 pm

Ooh, this is a tough one....going to have to think about it...
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Number of posts : 26409

List #12 - April 2nd   Empty
PostSubject: Re: List #12 - April 2nd    List #12 - April 2nd   Icon_minitimeApril 3rd 2013, 2:06 am

My fave movie of all times is "The Color Purple".. I think I have watched it a dozen times at least.. and cry every time! I love the characters in the movie.. such strong women overcoming life in the south years ago.... And the music,,, just makes you want to sing along too!
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

List #12 - April 2nd   Empty
PostSubject: Re: List #12 - April 2nd    List #12 - April 2nd   Icon_minitimeApril 3rd 2013, 3:30 am

I've never seen that one.

I was going to go with something lame like "The Incredibles." LOL Can you tell I have young kids Laughing
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Scrappin Sabian
A Sister, A Friend
Scrappin Sabian

Number of posts : 842

List #12 - April 2nd   Empty
PostSubject: Re: List #12 - April 2nd    List #12 - April 2nd   Icon_minitimeApril 3rd 2013, 4:40 am

Only one....for me it would be Anne of Green Gables. The entire series is wonderful and in my opinion a real classic
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 10026

List #12 - April 2nd   Empty
PostSubject: Re: List #12 - April 2nd    List #12 - April 2nd   Icon_minitimeApril 3rd 2013, 2:20 pm

spuccini wrote:
I've never seen that one.

I was going to go with something lame like "The Incredibles." LOL Can you tell I have young kids Laughing

And I was going to go for something like "Tremors".... can you tell I'm stuck in the teen years??? Wink
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 6325

List #12 - April 2nd   Empty
PostSubject: Re: List #12 - April 2nd    List #12 - April 2nd   Icon_minitimeApril 3rd 2013, 2:58 pm

I am an Anne of Green Gables fan too! It is probably my favorite!
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Always a Sister

Number of posts : 1013

List #12 - April 2nd   Empty
PostSubject: Re: List #12 - April 2nd    List #12 - April 2nd   Icon_minitimeApril 4th 2013, 8:50 am

My all time favorite has been,will be and is "Gone With The Wind" I love the stories of the old south even though some are way out there! I like the books about the civil war and all the hoopla of the plantations and slaves. just one of my interests.
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Number of posts : 26409

List #12 - April 2nd   Empty
PostSubject: Re: List #12 - April 2nd    List #12 - April 2nd   Icon_minitimeApril 4th 2013, 7:41 pm

You know.. that is one movie I have NEVER seen!!
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Big Sister

Number of posts : 357

List #12 - April 2nd   Empty
PostSubject: Re: List #12 - April 2nd    List #12 - April 2nd   Icon_minitimeApril 5th 2013, 6:42 am

Afraid I can't answer this one...I am a huge movie watcher and it would be way easier for me to list a movie I absolutely hated rather then pick only 1 favourite. lol Way to hard. I have a bunch of favourites and they are favs for different reasons, either because of the director, the story line, the genre, etc...I mentioned earlier I'm a big list kinda girl right?
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Lifetime Sister

Number of posts : 6910

List #12 - April 2nd   Empty
PostSubject: Re: List #12 - April 2nd    List #12 - April 2nd   Icon_minitimeApril 6th 2013, 7:37 am

Pretty woman... It's funny, and a fantasy....
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Scrappin Sabian
A Sister, A Friend
Scrappin Sabian

Number of posts : 842

List #12 - April 2nd   Empty
PostSubject: Re: List #12 - April 2nd    List #12 - April 2nd   Icon_minitimeApril 9th 2013, 4:22 pm

PatiO wrote:
My all time favorite has been,will be and is "Gone With The Wind" I love the stories of the old south even though some are way out there! I like the books about the civil war and all the hoopla of the plantations and slaves. just one of my interests.

Definitely a good movie patty...and one that has absolutely stood the test of time
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 10026

List #12 - April 2nd   Empty
PostSubject: Re: List #12 - April 2nd    List #12 - April 2nd   Icon_minitimeApril 9th 2013, 4:57 pm

pammypapers wrote:
Afraid I can't answer this one...I am a huge movie watcher and it would be way easier for me to list a movie I absolutely hated rather then pick only 1 favourite. lol Way to hard. I have a bunch of favourites and they are favs for different reasons, either because of the director, the story line, the genre, etc...I mentioned earlier I'm a big list kinda girl right?

Send me a list, Pam! I never know what to watch. I'm so uneducated about movies in general, current movies in particular! Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: List #12 - April 2nd    List #12 - April 2nd   Icon_minitime

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List #12 - April 2nd
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