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 January 29th - Grow

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January 29th - Grow Empty
PostSubject: January 29th - Grow   January 29th - Grow Icon_minitimeJanuary 29th 2013, 6:14 pm

Well... here is one of a growth chart of Stuart inside a closet... hmm... may have to remove this before we move... lol... sorry the color is washed out.. but that is what it is!

January 29th - Grow Grow
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Lifetime Sister

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January 29th - Grow Empty
PostSubject: Re: January 29th - Grow   January 29th - Grow Icon_minitimeJanuary 29th 2013, 7:42 pm

Love that Helen!

I'll have to wait until Eric gets home from school to take my pic Smile
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Design Team "SISTER"

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January 29th - Grow Empty
PostSubject: Re: January 29th - Grow   January 29th - Grow Icon_minitimeJanuary 29th 2013, 9:09 pm

That's cute Helen!

My mom has one like that in her kitchen of all the kids & grandkids.
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January 29th - Grow Empty
PostSubject: Re: January 29th - Grow   January 29th - Grow Icon_minitime

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