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 Trivia Tuesday - October 30

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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 6325

Trivia Tuesday - October 30 Empty
PostSubject: Trivia Tuesday - October 30   Trivia Tuesday - October 30 Icon_minitimeOctober 30th 2012, 3:00 pm

With all the news about "Sandy", I looked for Hurricane Trivia

The Atlantic Hurricane Season is June 1 - November 30. Until 1979' all hurricanes had female names. In 1979, the WMO began alternating male and female names. The Sunshine State, Florida has had more direct hurricane hits than another state - 60 direct hits between 1900-2000.

Deadliest Storm - Hit Galveston, Teaxas in 1900, over 8,000 reported deaths.

Costliest Strorm - Hurricane Andrew in 1992, most property damage in South Florida and parts of Loisianna, 26 billion ( not based on inflation)

Longest Lasting Storm - Hurricane John, in 1994, lasting 31 days.

Highest Storm Surge - Camille in 1969, 25 feet storm surge in Mississippi.

To read more check out ...,2933,97679,00.html

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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 10026

Trivia Tuesday - October 30 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trivia Tuesday - October 30   Trivia Tuesday - October 30 Icon_minitimeOctober 30th 2012, 3:27 pm

We lived in Pensacola in 1995. They had not had a direct hit since 1926. Of course the year we were there we had TWO!! Yep.. they call me Hurricane Kelly... Laughing
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

Trivia Tuesday - October 30 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trivia Tuesday - October 30   Trivia Tuesday - October 30 Icon_minitimeOctober 30th 2012, 3:28 pm

Yikes! So glad I live in the middle of the country!
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Big Sister

Number of posts : 306

Trivia Tuesday - October 30 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trivia Tuesday - October 30   Trivia Tuesday - October 30 Icon_minitimeOctober 30th 2012, 8:56 pm

wow - interesting facts - thanks!
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Forum Owner

Number of posts : 15397

Trivia Tuesday - October 30 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trivia Tuesday - October 30   Trivia Tuesday - October 30 Icon_minitimeOctober 30th 2012, 11:20 pm

Very interesting! Glad I don't live in the direct path of hurricanes!
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Number of posts : 26409

Trivia Tuesday - October 30 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trivia Tuesday - October 30   Trivia Tuesday - October 30 Icon_minitimeOctober 31st 2012, 12:39 am

Intersting.. could you imagine a storm lasting 31 days.. how depressing would that be!
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Gail D
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Gail D

Number of posts : 8842

Trivia Tuesday - October 30 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trivia Tuesday - October 30   Trivia Tuesday - October 30 Icon_minitimeOctober 31st 2012, 1:46 am

This is interesting. Times like the past few days, I'm glad to be in the middle of the prairie. Earthquakes to the west and a crazy storm to the east.

Wouldn't you hate to have the name Sandy this week?
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

Trivia Tuesday - October 30 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trivia Tuesday - October 30   Trivia Tuesday - October 30 Icon_minitimeOctober 31st 2012, 6:12 am

They do retire the names if it's a really bad storm. I can think of Andrew and Katrina that have been retired. I'd hate to have those names too...
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PostSubject: Re: Trivia Tuesday - October 30   Trivia Tuesday - October 30 Icon_minitime

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