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 Christmas Wrapping..

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Jackie P
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Always a Sister

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Christmas Wrapping.. Empty
PostSubject: Christmas Wrapping..   Christmas Wrapping.. Icon_minitimeDecember 17th 2011, 5:26 pm

I'm trying to avoid "gift bags" this year as much as possible, and while I love the "paper" look and I LOVE watching the kids tear open the packages... I do feel a little bad about not doing my part to help planet Earth! Smile Soooo... when I was at Dollarama the other day I spotted some pillow cases in one of the aisles... typically I would NOT purchase a linen from the dollar store... but I spotted RED, and I thought... geez, that would make a great sac for a larger toy. So I checked the quality... and I was shocked that some of them were soft and 300TC! Smile When I opened the RED ones they were Lightening McQueen!!! BONUS BONUS!!! Sooo... I bought a few more to wrap Raydan and Daddy's in. I found an "Angry Bird" knock off, and Daddy just got plain ol Black! LOL I just wanted to share, at least it is usable wrapping paper! Smile
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Jackie P
Lifetime Sister
Jackie P

Number of posts : 4979

Christmas Wrapping.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Wrapping..   Christmas Wrapping.. Icon_minitimeDecember 17th 2011, 7:29 pm

What a wonderful idea, why didn't I think of that!!!
My gosh that is so smart!!!
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Lifetime Sister

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Christmas Wrapping.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Wrapping..   Christmas Wrapping.. Icon_minitimeDecember 17th 2011, 7:36 pm

What a great idea, too bad I am all done wrapping but going to keep that in mind while shopping and maybe pick some up for next year.
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Always a Sister

Number of posts : 2441

Christmas Wrapping.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Wrapping..   Christmas Wrapping.. Icon_minitimeDecember 17th 2011, 11:12 pm

Tash what a fantastic idea! Brilliant actually! TFS
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Number of posts : 26409

Christmas Wrapping.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Wrapping..   Christmas Wrapping.. Icon_minitimeDecember 18th 2011, 1:10 am

Awesome idea Tash!!!!!!
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

Christmas Wrapping.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Wrapping..   Christmas Wrapping.. Icon_minitimeDecember 18th 2011, 6:04 am

That's a great idea! I haven't started wrapping yet so I will keep this in mind. I'll be checking out my dollar store for some frames next week so I will look for pillowcases.

We used to put wrapping paper in the recycle bin but DH read somewhere that since it's so thin, it's not worth recycling. I guess they can't even do anything with it.
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 10026

Christmas Wrapping.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Wrapping..   Christmas Wrapping.. Icon_minitimeDecember 18th 2011, 12:21 pm

I generally use very little wrapping paper or gift bags. Most of our gifts are wrapped (and have been for YEARS) in fabric bags I sewed myself about 15 years ago (at least)... I close them with tiny gold safety pins or with the velvet-type bows that come with twist ties on the back. Everything goes back into my "wrapping trunk" when we're done. I only started using paper again last year when gd was old enough to "rip"... this year there's more paper as there are now two of them and the the majority of gifts under the tree are for them but I am not a paper fan, that's for sure!
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas Wrapping..   Christmas Wrapping.. Icon_minitimeDecember 18th 2011, 1:50 pm

What a great idea!
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas Wrapping..   Christmas Wrapping.. Icon_minitime

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