Thanks for asking, Gail. Pain-wise I'm okay ... I am continuing to take the pain meds (against my will really) because the doctor insists that without them I breathe too shallowly and he's worried about my lungs closing up (or some such thing). I don't know what the heck they did to me while on the operating table, but my left shoulder is killing me - it's way more painful than the sawed in half sternum! LOL
Now if only my attitude would improve. I'm still a bit depressed, but not quite as bad as it was. I'm up at our New Hampshire house (in the country) and that helps some. I'm staying close to God because I know it's all about an attitude of gratitude for me, and without God's help I forget that.
All in all, I'm doing really well. No mojo for scrapping or reading, so I sleep alot! LOL
Thanks for asking.