LOL girls! We have 3 cats. We have a Mitty (male, his name is short for Mittens, rescue from the barn, his Mama was killed by a falcon... he was size of a 2 wk old baby kitten at 6 weeks....) and a Misty, (female, adopted last Jan 1 from SPCA) here. Both are rescues and came with the names they have! LOL Mitty and Misty, can you believe that??
We have a female tortoiseshell named Tootsie, also a rescue, who lives at the barn (indoors.) We take care of her food, water, and take her yearly for vet checkups etc... but she cannot live with Misty as she (T) hates her (M). Weird. But Tootsie is the QUEEN of the barn! Is the only cat there. The teens who work there (incl kate, my DD) and student riders dote on her as she is a long-haired cat and very fancy and pretty too. (I call her Miss Priss.)
Loved hearing about these crazy cats of yours too!