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 Very Unique Advent Calendar

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2 posters
Lifetime Sister

Number of posts : 4985

Very Unique Advent Calendar Empty
PostSubject: Very Unique Advent Calendar   Very Unique Advent Calendar Icon_minitimeDecember 9th 2010, 9:08 pm

Now this is an advent calendar.....I don't think I'd have the talent or patience to complete this one.
It does look kinda simple but I still don't think I could do it. lol!

Very Unique Advent Calendar 6a0105367e9704970b0147e054160d970b-450wi

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Susan C.
Susan C.

Number of posts : 1808

Very Unique Advent Calendar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Very Unique Advent Calendar   Very Unique Advent Calendar Icon_minitimeDecember 9th 2010, 9:21 pm

That is very neat!!
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Very Unique Advent Calendar
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