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 Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!

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6 posters
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Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!  Empty
PostSubject: Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!    Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!  Icon_minitimeJune 26th 2010, 10:29 pm

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Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!    Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!  Icon_minitimeJune 26th 2010, 11:46 pm

I love the look of crumpled paper! Thanks Ali!
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Lifetime Sister

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Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!    Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!  Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2010, 12:29 am

i too love the look... like crumpled paper when it is sanded after as well! As always, thanks for sharing Ali!
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Design Team "SISTER"

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Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!    Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!  Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2010, 12:58 am

I've used this technique before - love it!
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Gail D
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Gail D

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Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!    Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!  Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2010, 1:40 am

I tried this on one layout recently, but only for some "flowers" made of circles. I think I'm ready for doing it to my papers because when I distress edges lately, it doesn't seem like enough.
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Lifetime Sister

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PostSubject: Re: Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!    Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!  Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2010, 1:48 am

yeah it is great fun, and good to light ink over it too to ink the grooves from the crumple for an aged effect
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PostSubject: Re: Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!    Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!  Icon_minitime

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Paper Crumpling How-to: So easy and FUN!
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