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 Helen you are an early bird too, this AM!

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Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Empty
PostSubject: Helen you are an early bird too, this AM!   Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2009, 2:36 pm

I am up ( since 0615 or so??) finishing a DT assignment for Creatively Yours.

I am going to post it (it's for today's CY post, LOL) then go get Noah up! I can hear him chttering in his room, playing with toys! LOL
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Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Helen you are an early bird too, this AM!   Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2009, 2:52 pm

How's it going with just you and Noah!!?? Is it quiet there? Boy, my house is quiet!!! Not a sound,for hours and hours in the morning! Unless the birds chirp or the fog barks and sometimes they frighten me! I washed all my clothes last night and have it on the line. I'm going to finish mopping the floors later and go buy some groceries for Alexander for when he's here alone for a couple of days...
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Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Helen you are an early bird too, this AM!   Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2009, 2:55 pm

I was awakened early with a phone call, from camp :-) Not Jessica but her big brother Timothy -- phoning to let me know Jessica arrived safe and sound.

Getting some clothes on the line soo. I have a batch of bread mixed up. Baked a cake and now I need to decorate it.

Hope to get some scrapping in later this afternoon.
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Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Helen you are an early bird too, this AM!   Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2009, 3:05 pm

How sweet of Timothy! I bet he was worried about her! He's a good brother, Carla. Makes me all teary-eyed just thinking that he took the time to let you know that his sister is OK!!!
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Lifetime Sister

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Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Helen you are an early bird too, this AM!   Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2009, 3:48 pm

Deanne wrote:
How's it going with just you and Noah!!?? Is it quiet there? Boy, my house is quiet!!! Not a sound,for hours and hours in the morning! Unless the birds chirp or the fog barks and sometimes they frighten me! I washed all my clothes last night and have it on the line. I'm going to finish mopping the floors later and go buy some groceries for Alexander for when he's here alone for a couple of days...

My Land, Deanne, you also got a LOT done!
Yes, ... it is so different with just our little man here with us and the older 3 kids away...! Peter is on holidays- we have not been together with just one of our kids for about 3 years. He also has 5 days' holiday time when the kids are all HERE (plus those weekends on either end.)

Noah chatters/vocalizes a lot so it is not so much QUIET as it is "Less Busy"!! He is a super busy little boy anyway, ... add 3 older kids to that... 4 pets and all the activities surrounding is usually pretty full of noise and "busy-ness" here. Shocked Exclamation lol!

I think I did need this change. It will be good for Peter and for me.

Noah has "asked" for Daniel a cpl times- said his name... called his name. Awww.... Exclamation

Kate has already sent me 2 emails about horses for sale. LOL! ( Atlantic ads ...)

Last edited by Alimom4 on August 10th 2009, 3:53 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Lifetime Sister

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Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Helen you are an early bird too, this AM!   Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2009, 3:49 pm

hmschoolmum wrote:
I was awakened early with a phone call, from camp :-) Not Jessica but her big brother Timothy -- phoning to let me know Jessica arrived safe and sound.

Getting some clothes on the line soo. I have a batch of bread mixed up. Baked a cake and now I need to decorate it.

Hope to get some scrapping in later this afternoon.

Aww, I agree with D., that is so sweet of Timothy!

Bread: YUMMY!

You have been busy Carla! Wtg!

I did a LO for CY, got Noah up, washed him up, made him bkfst, made his bed... ate bkfst... hmmmm.... I like "staycations!" What an easy AM! I DO need to fold some laundry! LOL
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Lifetime Sister

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Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Helen you are an early bird too, this AM!   Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2009, 4:43 pm

I am up... it was 5 am here when I got up... too much happening in the household this morning... so I am only running on 2-1/2 hours sleep now. Maybe I will just go and get creative while the grandkids are sleeping. (we picked them up in Kelowna - 6 hours each way - yesterday!)
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Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Helen you are an early bird too, this AM!   Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2009, 5:42 pm

Yes.. I am an early bird! I try to get all my "stuff" done in the morning! It has been nice this summer, as both my sons have discovered that they love to sleep until noon. So, I am up at 6:30 and have the morning to myself. I also started aquafittness this summer and LOVE it!
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Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Helen you are an early bird too, this AM!   Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2009, 7:08 pm

Deanne wrote:
How sweet of Timothy! I bet he was worried about her! He's a good brother, Carla. Makes me all teary-eyed just thinking that he took the time to let you know that his sister is OK!!!

Well, listen to this...... Timothy and Sara (Michelle's girl) were out with their group to an amusement park the day Jessica got there. They bought a little gift for Jessica (her birthday) and also a card. Sara also went to help Jessica get her bunk and stuff all unpacked. They'll both be looking out for her :-)
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Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Helen you are an early bird too, this AM!   Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2009, 9:09 pm

Oh my, Carla ,how thoughtful of them!! That is precious!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Helen you are an early bird too, this AM!   Helen you are an early bird too, this AM! Icon_minitime

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