I pre-planned 3 pgs this Am. They are all of the kids, I just decided I want to get 3 pages done today. I have a terrible headache and I want to distract myself, plus my littlest guy is home with me today with a fever (bad cold, the fever is now coming down.) So we are staying put, together.
I decided
1. NOT to overthink the 3 page thing
2. Have fun scooting thru it as best i could..
I tend to do that- (ummm, the overthinking thing) UGH! Ridiculous, really! LOL
"The process" (LOL):
grabbed the pics from a small pile on my desk.
Scanned thru and chose pp from my pp bin and from my new pp stockpile (LOL)
Quickly picked out colours of CS for the first 2,
Ran thru my brain and grabbed a title for one of them, punched out GrungeBoard, asked DD what she thought of the style- she agreed with my choice. DS (13) disagreed, but I went with DD's choice.
Chose a rubber stamp where needed, DS (13) helped me
settle FAST on 3: - we agreed on one together.
Then I
piled up the stuff fr those 2.
Ready to rock and roll. I have taken a few detours, including: Sweeping spilled cereal off the floor (was dry), cleaned kitchen, got 3 off to school, playing on the bed with little fella- new games we play-- bouncing/hiding/tickling... and then OF COURSE: starting laundry! Can't forget that for a family of 6 plus fluffy critters- UGH, LOL
Anyway- have decided to go with the first 2 pages and see where I end up!
I also have a new LO I did late last night that I wanna share ( it done w/ a Deanne Sketch!! LOL & I LOVE it) & I need to photograph that one but I am forcing myself to wait and do the pics of the new 2 LO and the last night LO allllll together.
I will do my third LO later- like maybe this evening, which is when I USUALLY SCRAP! LOL
Keep Ya posted!
Sometimes a sick day is good therapy, eh?