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 SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!

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Lisa L.
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SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 13th 2013, 2:37 pm

Today's sketch comes from Inspired Blueprints
SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Inspiredblueprints_sketch88

Remember.. you need to add the paper bag ribbon you made Monday and the beads I asked you to find yesterday...

[img]SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Dsc_0026[/img]

You have until the 30th of April to uploaded to here! Have fun!!

Last edited by Helen on April 13th 2013, 5:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Little Sister

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SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 13th 2013, 3:23 pm

Wow, that's so cool looking! Very Happy
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Lifetime Sister

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SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 13th 2013, 3:37 pm

I like this sketch! I'm inspired! I just bought doilies at the dollarstore this week too!
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Design Team "SISTER"

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SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 13th 2013, 4:56 pm

I agree - great sketch!
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Number of posts : 26409

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 13th 2013, 5:18 pm

Thanks... and my example is up!!! LOL!!
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A Sister, A Friend

Number of posts : 673

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 13th 2013, 6:54 pm

I'm really liking this sketch, and love you example Helen, love those roses. I also checked out that sketch site, found some other sketches I liked so thanks for sharing it with you!
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Big Sister

Number of posts : 357

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 13th 2013, 7:34 pm

Love the sketch and the example Helen.
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Number of posts : 26409

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 13th 2013, 10:10 pm

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Lifetime Sister

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SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 14th 2013, 12:43 am

I skipped the doilies and used my cricut instead. I used microbeads for the patch of grass by the horse.

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Img_2922
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Big Sister

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SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 14th 2013, 12:56 am

Great layout Jessica
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 14th 2013, 1:02 am

So cute Jessica! I love the beads and the wheel instead of the doily. Great job!
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Forum Owner

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SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 14th 2013, 1:15 am

LOve the sketch and love your layout, Helen!

Jessica, the paper bag ribbon looks perfect on your layout!
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Number of posts : 26409

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 14th 2013, 1:18 am

That is just perfect Jessica! I bet the animals are happy now!! LOVE the circle, your ribbon bag and the beads!! WTG on the challenge!
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Lisa L.
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Lisa L.

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SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 14th 2013, 2:41 am

Love it Jessica!
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Big Sister

Number of posts : 317

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 14th 2013, 2:10 pm

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Dscn0714

I didn't have a paper bag so I used a strip of Kraft paper. Sorry the picture isn't very clear.
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Number of posts : 26409

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 14th 2013, 2:50 pm

That is just perfect Pam! LOVE that sentiment.. and your paper bag ribbon looks great made with Kraft paper! thanks for trying these!!
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A Sister, A Friend

Number of posts : 673

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2013, 3:27 pm

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! 105_0216
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 17th 2013, 7:27 am

So cute Tammy! Look at that chubby face Smile
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Big Sister

Number of posts : 357

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 21st 2013, 4:24 pm

Here's my interpretation of the sketch. I used scallop cut scrap paper in place of a doilie and I didn't have a paper bag so I used scrap paper and folded it. I like the effect. Sorry the picture quality isn't the best. I have to figure out a better way to get pictures of my layouts.

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! 130421CanadaDay
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Design Team "SISTER"

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SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 24th 2013, 12:39 am

Here's the right side of my two page layout. For the circle in your example, I used the big green square. I was also inspired by your use of little photos. The more I fiddled with them, the straighter they got! I also used the tab at the top and a journalling tag. You can see my paper bag ribbon as well as my beads.. I had some wooden beads but then found these little tiny colorful beads and thought they would be perfect butterfly trails! I also used them for the bodies, but they got a little blobby. They are more colorful in person. I hope it's OK Helen because I really love it!

Thanks too to Jessica. Because of you, I've been inspired to take my time and print nicer. It actually isn't embarrassing to put on a public layout! Laughing

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! SSApr13Small
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Lifetime Sister

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SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 24th 2013, 3:04 am

Great job everyone!

Kelly that is adorable! I love everything about it.
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 6325

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 24th 2013, 5:03 am

Wow ladies! Love the LOs and awesome pics of our young friends.

Tammy - Sweet pics, Love the rosette and all the other embellies!

Pam - The Red just POPS the LO.

Kelly - Love your photo arrangement, the tab and eyelets. DD anI were just talking last night about all the eyelets we have and seldom use.
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 24th 2013, 7:12 am

Pam, I love the red paper ribbon with the staples. Very cute!

Kelly, that is the cutest picture & I love your banner!
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Lisa L.
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Lisa L.

Number of posts : 2950

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 24th 2013, 4:42 pm

Wow such amazing layouts! Great job everyone.
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Number of posts : 26409

SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitimeApril 27th 2013, 1:35 am

Tams wrote:
SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! 105_0216

Tammy... LOVE the ribbon and the glitter! What cute little ones! LOVE this!!!
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SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example!   SKETCH Saturday - April 13th - with example! Icon_minitime

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