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 SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th

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3 posters

Number of posts : 26409

SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th Empty
PostSubject: SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th   SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th Icon_minitimeApril 7th 2013, 6:18 pm

LOVE these snowmen from Tarah! How appropriate as we still have snow here in April! LOL!!

SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th Image

LOVE this journaling circle from Lisa...
SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th IMG_3308

Make sure you check out the gallery this week as there are a ton of new projects and great inspiration too!!!
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SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th Empty
PostSubject: Re: SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th   SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th Icon_minitimeApril 7th 2013, 8:43 pm

I love the papers Kelly used:
SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th Apr5019copy

And the angle of the big photo looks great in this fun layout!
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Number of posts : 26409

SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th Empty
PostSubject: Re: SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th   SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th Icon_minitimeApril 7th 2013, 8:52 pm

oops.. I forgot about Sister Sunday! LOL!! Oh well!!

LOVE this one from Kelly too!
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 6325

SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th Empty
PostSubject: Re: SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th   SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th Icon_minitimeApril 8th 2013, 6:54 am

Great choices Helen and Carla!
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SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th Empty
PostSubject: Re: SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th   SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th Icon_minitime

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SHOUT OUT! Sunday - April 7th
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