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 March - Saturday Sketch Rules.....

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6 posters

Number of posts : 26409

March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Empty
PostSubject: March - Saturday Sketch Rules.....   March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Icon_minitimeMarch 2nd 2013, 3:41 pm

For this month we are going to be doing things a bit different. (I posted this elsewhere, but just wanted to make sure you all knew what was up for March!)

Here is how it works.... one DT member will have the whole week to do posts.

That means that the Make it Monday, Find it Friday and Sketch Saturday will be done by one person..... so...

Starting March 1 (Friday- Stephanie is going to be posting a Find it Friday... and Saturday Sketch.

The next week, I will be doing the Make it Monday, Find it Friday and Sketch Saturday....

Here is the catch.... for the month of March, you must use the "Make it Monday" and "Find it Friday" on the sketch for Saturday. For each week you participate in, I will add your name into a draw for a rak from me.

Of course.. the first week will only be Stephanie's Find it Friday on the Saturday sketch!

Hope this makes sense!!! Any questions??
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 6325

March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: March - Saturday Sketch Rules.....   March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Icon_minitimeMarch 2nd 2013, 4:11 pm

Sounds Good, just waiting for Stephanie to post her sketch, to see what I'm suppose to do with this book paper!
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 10026

March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: March - Saturday Sketch Rules.....   March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Icon_minitimeMarch 2nd 2013, 5:16 pm

I think I saw it and am going over to check it out now!
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: March - Saturday Sketch Rules.....   March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Icon_minitimeMarch 2nd 2013, 6:04 pm

I'm posting it now ladies Smile
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Always a Sister

Number of posts : 2182

March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: March - Saturday Sketch Rules.....   March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Icon_minitimeMarch 4th 2013, 11:09 am

I'm soooo confuzzled
what happens if we don't have some of the ingredients for the Find it Fridays ? could there be a back up option if we don't have a certain thing ? also do they all have to be layouts , could there be the card option too ?
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Number of posts : 26409

March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: March - Saturday Sketch Rules.....   March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Icon_minitimeMarch 4th 2013, 2:02 pm

I am sure that most of the things are things you will have Kerri... we won't do anything weird... LOL!! If you don't have a specific thing, I am sure we can fiqure something out when the time comes.

The sketches could be used for a layout, a card, an art journal page, anything really.
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Big Sister

Number of posts : 317

March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: March - Saturday Sketch Rules.....   March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Icon_minitimeMarch 5th 2013, 1:17 am

KerriNZ wrote:
I'm soooo confuzzled
what happens if we don't have some of the ingredients for the Find it Fridays ? could there be a back up option if we don't have a certain thing ? also do they all have to be layouts , could there be the card option too ?

Kerri I saw A little bit of Christchurch, New Zealand last night on Amazing Race. What a beautiful place!
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Always a Sister

Number of posts : 2182

March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: March - Saturday Sketch Rules.....   March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Icon_minitimeMarch 9th 2013, 11:48 am

ahhh cool , LOVE that show. wonder if it was before or after the massive Earthquakes that hit here , 2 yrs ago ?
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: March - Saturday Sketch Rules.....   March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Icon_minitimeMarch 9th 2013, 9:46 pm

It was probably after because they just started a new season of the show a few weeks ago. It was probably taped 6 mos. ago.
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March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: March - Saturday Sketch Rules.....   March - Saturday Sketch Rules..... Icon_minitime

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March - Saturday Sketch Rules.....
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