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 WEB Wednesday - November 7th

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Lisa L.
7 posters
Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

WEB Wednesday - November 7th Empty
PostSubject: WEB Wednesday - November 7th   WEB Wednesday - November 7th Icon_minitimeNovember 7th 2012, 4:38 pm

I'm obsessed with the site: Dollar Store Crafts. A lot of the ideas on there are cute and can easily be recreated with minimal supplies. Some of their ideas can be a little strange - there's a google-eyed Christmas ornament there right now - not my thing.....Anywho, enjoy checking it out!
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Lisa L.
Lifetime Sister
Lisa L.

Number of posts : 2950

WEB Wednesday - November 7th Empty
PostSubject: Re: WEB Wednesday - November 7th   WEB Wednesday - November 7th Icon_minitimeNovember 7th 2012, 5:25 pm

cool site!
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Number of posts : 26409

WEB Wednesday - November 7th Empty
PostSubject: Re: WEB Wednesday - November 7th   WEB Wednesday - November 7th Icon_minitimeNovember 7th 2012, 11:16 pm

It is cool!! TFS and I don't care for that googly eyed ornament either.. kind of creepy!! LOL!
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

WEB Wednesday - November 7th Empty
PostSubject: Re: WEB Wednesday - November 7th   WEB Wednesday - November 7th Icon_minitimeNovember 7th 2012, 11:26 pm

Oh they had some high heels on there once that were covered in google eyes. They were supposed to mimic high designer shoes. All I could think of was "umm, no thanks!"
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WEB Wednesday - November 7th Empty
PostSubject: Re: WEB Wednesday - November 7th   WEB Wednesday - November 7th Icon_minitimeNovember 7th 2012, 11:54 pm

Thanks for the link. Might be some ideas I can use with my daycare kids Smile
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 6325

WEB Wednesday - November 7th Empty
PostSubject: Re: WEB Wednesday - November 7th   WEB Wednesday - November 7th Icon_minitimeNovember 8th 2012, 2:20 am

TFS, I'll check it out later!
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Lifetime Sister

Number of posts : 6910

WEB Wednesday - November 7th Empty
PostSubject: Re: WEB Wednesday - November 7th   WEB Wednesday - November 7th Icon_minitimeNovember 8th 2012, 8:39 am

I like that matchbox advent thing... good idea!
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Lifetime Sister

Number of posts : 2553

WEB Wednesday - November 7th Empty
PostSubject: Re: WEB Wednesday - November 7th   WEB Wednesday - November 7th Icon_minitimeNovember 14th 2012, 4:09 am

TFS I love the melted snowman ornament. Too cute! Great craft for the kidos.
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WEB Wednesday - November 7th Empty
PostSubject: Re: WEB Wednesday - November 7th   WEB Wednesday - November 7th Icon_minitime

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WEB Wednesday - November 7th
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