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 Friday FAVES - August 10th

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Friday FAVES - August 10th Empty
PostSubject: Friday FAVES - August 10th   Friday FAVES - August 10th Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2012, 6:01 pm

Take a look through the gallery and post a FAVE!

One of my favourites is this one by Stephanie:
Friday FAVES - August 10th DSC_0189xa

Love the title, and love the papers!
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 10026

Friday FAVES - August 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friday FAVES - August 10th   Friday FAVES - August 10th Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2012, 7:24 pm

Friday FAVES - August 10th Todayisagift

I love this one by you, Carla.. the sweet emotion is so tangible in those photos and your simple design just highlights them.
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

Friday FAVES - August 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friday FAVES - August 10th   Friday FAVES - August 10th Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2012, 11:44 pm

Thanks Carla!

Kelly, I love that one too. That's a good way of putting the emotion there. You really can feel it coming off the page.
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

Friday FAVES - August 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friday FAVES - August 10th   Friday FAVES - August 10th Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2012, 11:51 pm

I like this one by Lisa:

Friday FAVES - August 10th IMG_2011

I just love the paper she used and I like how it looks like an old voting punch page.
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Gail D
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Gail D

Number of posts : 8842

Friday FAVES - August 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friday FAVES - August 10th   Friday FAVES - August 10th Icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2012, 2:29 am

I went to make my pick and this one by Kelly was the first one that popped up. It got my attention. Great photo of the trains. Love the circle, the border made of the little scrolly clips, the twine, the title. All of it!
Friday FAVES - August 10th Picture038
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 10026

Friday FAVES - August 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friday FAVES - August 10th   Friday FAVES - August 10th Icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2012, 1:34 pm

Thanks Gail. Smile
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Friday FAVES - August 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friday FAVES - August 10th   Friday FAVES - August 10th Icon_minitime

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Friday FAVES - August 10th
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