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 January 16 - Two Things

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January 16 - Two Things Empty
PostSubject: January 16 - Two Things   January 16 - Two Things Icon_minitimeJanuary 16th 2013, 1:23 pm

Show us "two things" today!

January 16 - Two Things Th?id=H.4754589793586563&pid=15
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

January 16 - Two Things Empty
PostSubject: Re: January 16 - Two Things   January 16 - Two Things Icon_minitimeJanuary 16th 2013, 4:20 pm

LOL Helen!!
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 6325

January 16 - Two Things Empty
PostSubject: Re: January 16 - Two Things   January 16 - Two Things Icon_minitimeJanuary 16th 2013, 4:48 pm

lol! Cute, Helen!
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

January 16 - Two Things Empty
PostSubject: Re: January 16 - Two Things   January 16 - Two Things Icon_minitimeJanuary 17th 2013, 4:19 am

January 16 - Two Things Dsc_0513

a pair of unmatched socks (or if you're my DD you wear them unmatched anyway because you can't find matching ones Laughing). I folded clothes today and went through my "unmatched socks" box.
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Lifetime Sister

Number of posts : 2553

January 16 - Two Things Empty
PostSubject: Re: January 16 - Two Things   January 16 - Two Things Icon_minitimeJanuary 17th 2013, 4:28 am

LOL to funny are two of my favorite things.

January 16 - Two Things Two_th10
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January 16 - Two Things Empty
PostSubject: Re: January 16 - Two Things   January 16 - Two Things Icon_minitimeJanuary 17th 2013, 4:30 am

spuccini wrote:
January 16 - Two Things Dsc_0513

a pair of unmatched socks (or if you're my DD you wear them unmatched anyway because you can't find matching ones Laughing). I folded clothes today and went through my "unmatched socks" box.
My daughter(12) will take a matching pair and unmatch them. Apparently it isn't cool to wear matching socks anymore.
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Design Team "SISTER"

Number of posts : 12398

January 16 - Two Things Empty
PostSubject: Re: January 16 - Two Things   January 16 - Two Things Icon_minitimeJanuary 17th 2013, 4:19 pm

You know, I told my DD that one day just to get her to wear them because we didn't have matching ones and now I've noticed that the trend is to wear them unmatched. It's funny how those kinds of trends get started! LOL!
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PostSubject: Re: January 16 - Two Things   January 16 - Two Things Icon_minitime

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